HIV and STIs
Starting on:
Dec 1, 2023
Ending on:
Dec 1, 2023
Dr. Carolyne Mukuha
Head of Clinical Services at Equity Afia

Max Credits:
3 Points

Claim Points

HIV and STIs

Starting on:
Dec 1, 2023
Ending on:
Dec 1, 2023


Highlight on outpatient management of HIV & STIs with the mission to empower HCPs, individuals and communities with accurate information, eradicate stigma, and promote proactive measures for preventing and managing HIV and STIs. Also, factoring in the importance of collaborative efforts, resources, and support needed to lead healthy lives free from the burden of HIV and STIs.


- Education and Awareness: * Increase understanding of HIV and STIs, including modes of transmission, prevention strategies, and available treatment options. * Dispel myths and reduce stigma surrounding HIV and STIs through open and informed discussions. - Community Engagement: * Foster a sense of community by providing a platform for individuals to share their experiences, insights, and support mechanisms related to HIV and STIs. * Encourage community-led initiatives that promote safe practices, regular testing, and access to healthcare services. - Advocacy for Accessible Healthcare: * Advocate for increased accessibility to healthcare services, including testing, counseling, and treatment, to ensure that individuals affected by HIV and STIs receive timely and appropriate care. * Raise awareness about the importance of destigmatizing HIV and STIs to encourage more people to seek testing and care without fear of discrimination.


  1. Dr. Edwin Kanyua
    Medical Officer EQA Kawangware

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